The Prolific Hub Podcast
The Prolific Hub Podcast is a digital archive & celebration of all things creativity, purpose and alignment.
The Prolific Hub Podcast
How to Recognize When You’re Out of Alignment: Key Signs and How to Realign Your Life | Ep. 63
Are you operating in, or out of alignment? If the latter, what are the signs and solutions that help to guide you back to center? In this short but sweet episode, we ponder these very questions and discuss paths for course correction.
Episode References:
- Ep. 40 | Unlocking Potential with Personality Tests & Self-Development
- Ep. 52 | Timeless Wisdom for Modern Creatives: A Conversation with Vanessa Aldrich
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Theme Music:
She No Dull Beat by Nana Kwabena
Festivities in Belize by RAGE Productions
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Hey friend, welcome back to the show. This feels like it's been a minute for me because I have to acknowledge that I missed a week last week, but also prior to that I was batch recording episodes. So I had a bunch of episodes queued up and scheduled and going out on time and everything and I had recorded those like a while ago. So I actually haven't sat down to record in a little minute. So, yeah, it feels good, but you know it's been a minute. So welcome back to the show. I'm so excited that you're here with me. Today's episode will be a short and sweet audio only experience. But before we jump in, I have a favor to ask of you Please, please, please, take a moment and pause the episode if you have to, to leave a review for the show and to tap five stars for the rating. It would mean a lot to me and it would help to boost the show so that more people who might be interested in the kinds of conversations that we have on this show to find us. It would just take a moment of your time and it would really, really, really help me out. Recently we've gotten feedback about a past episode, episode 52, timeless Wisdom for Modern Creatives, a conversation with Vanessa Aldrich, and it was so nice. Leaving comments on the episodes on YouTube, as well as rating and reviewing the show, is a bigger help than you know, and if you love the show, if you listen week after week, your voice matters here too, friend. So please leave a review and let me and others know why you love this show. I'd be eternally grateful and I would love to share your review or comment on a future episode. If leaving a review feels like a lot, you can also text the show Head on down to the show notes, aka the episode description, to hit that button that says send us a text and let me know what you think via text message.
Aliya Cheyanne:So, in reference back to episode 52, a couple of the comments that we've got recently. One was from Spaced Out of your Dimension, 1774. And they said what a beautiful, soul nourishing conversation. A big thank you to both the host and the guests for delivering with such grace messages that add so much to the richness of understanding and meaning. You moved something deep within my being. Once more, thank you. Another comment that we got from Praised1745,. They said listening to this conversation grounds me to my soul and returned me to alignment with my spirit. Thank you, these were such beautiful comments and they mean a lot to me. Taking the time to leave comments, to leave a review, to let me and to let others know how the show is impacting you, means so much. So if you have a moment, please take some time to leave a review and to rate the show Now.
Aliya Cheyanne:In one of those comments, someone mentioned the word alignment and for today's episode I want to talk about recognizing when you're operating out of alignment. So I love human design and tune into episode 40, unlocking Potential with Personality Test and Self-Development, if you haven't already for a full breakdown. But I'll start with an example of being or operating out of alignment based on my type in human design. My human design is projector.
Aliya Cheyanne:When a projector is not in alignment, we experience a lot of bitterness. One prime example of me being out of alignment as a projector is feeling any bitterness, which largely stems from not feeling recognized in many ways. One example of that is this show. I'm so grateful to be at the stage we're at now with the show. I'm so grateful for all of the incredible guests I've had. But asking guests to come on the show has also been a form of rejection therapy, if I'm being very honest, and this is not even counting folks who have flat out ignored me, but rather folks who have said yes to coming on and then maybe flagged or reneged or changed their mind at the last minute. Anytime that's happened, I felt so bitter about being treated that way, and then I have to remind myself that everyone has things going on. I am not the center of the universe and that perhaps this shift was a blessing in disguise, but having to really pull myself out of the bitterness of feeling rejected or ignored or unacknowledged in whatever capacity.
Aliya Cheyanne:As a projector, though, my signature is success. When I'm operating in alignment, I feel successful in whatever capacity. Quote unquote. Success means to me. I know that when I'm really excited about something, when I'm pouring into a creative project or work that I feel really good about, I feel successful. That is alignment for me as a projector. That is alignment for me as a person feelings of success, feeling successful. Also as a projector, I know that success comes from me waiting for the invitation or for the right invitations, rather Not necessarily being a bystander, waiting for life to pass me by and invite me to things. I have to still participate in aligned action. I have to still participate in inspired action to achieve the desired outcomes that I want, but trusting that the recognition, the acknowledgement and the success will come in time reminds me that I have no reason to feel bitter just because success hasn't arrived yet. Success hasn't arrived yet. So when I'm operating out of alignment, I feel bitter, I feel resentful, I feel unacknowledged, but when I'm operating in alignment, I feel successful, I feel good, I feel like what I'm doing matters, I feel like what I'm doing is serving another. I have so many other examples of what it feels like when I'm operating out of alignment.
Aliya Cheyanne:I know that I'm out of alignment. When I'm comparing my timeline or progress or work to anyone else's in an unhealthy and unproductive way, I know that I'm out of alignment. When any of my routines are off or become harder and harder to complete, when I am ignoring or neglecting basic things that I know help to support my best self and my highest self, I know that I am out of alignment. I know that I'm out of alignment when my desire for connection deteriorates and I know it's time to start putting energy back into fostering and maintaining my relationships and my community, because none of us can survive this in isolation, and I say that as someone who is introverted. I say that as someone who loves my alone time. Even in loving those things, even in being that way, there comes a point where it's like, okay, that's enough. Be for real girl. Like reconnect, make sure you're pouring into others, make sure you're pouring into yourself, Make sure that you are staying connected, make sure that you're reaching out to the people and to the relationships that are important to you. Make sure you're maintaining those things. I know that I'm out of alignment when I just don't even want to do that and that something needs to change.
Aliya Cheyanne:I also know that I'm out of alignment when I feel disconnected from my physical and my emotional body, when I'm bypassing emotions instead of truly feeling them and sitting with them, or when I'm ignoring feelings, sensations, tension or pain in my body instead of taking care of them. Something that has helped me with both of these things recently is a yoga challenge that I've been doing with my friend Bree. It's been forcing me to stretch, to open up my hips, which many of us know. The hips store a lot of emotional trauma or unresolved energy that needs to move and that needs healing, and the challenge has also been helping me to be more connected to my breath and breathing deeply instead of breathing in a more shallow way. Breathing in a more shallow way, which is how a lot of us breathe very shallowly, not deeply. Not deep breaths that fill our bellies, that make us really expand, not long exhales that get all of that old energy and air out of our bodies.
Aliya Cheyanne:I share all that to say that these are some things that let me know when I'm operating out of alignment. These are some things that let me know when I'm not in alignment, and that I need to check in with myself to assess what's going on, why, and then course correct for my highest good. So, friend, what about you? What are some of the indicators that let you know that something is misaligned in your creative life, your work life or your personal world? Let me know in a text to the show, a comment on Spotify if you're listening there, or write your answer in a five-star review. All right, friend, thanks for tuning into another short but sweet episode. Thank you for lending me your time, your energy and your ears. I appreciate you for being here. Have a great rest of your day or night and I will catch you on the next episode. Bye.