The Prolific Hub Podcast
The Prolific Hub Podcast is a digital archive & celebration of all things creativity, purpose and alignment.
The Prolific Hub Podcast
Allowing Your Purpose to Evolve: How to Embrace Change with Grace | Ep. 60
Do our lives really follow a singular path, or are we meant to evolve with each season? Join me on this episode as we challenge the notion that we are bound to one calling, discovering instead how multiple purposes can coexist and transform over time. This episode is a guiding light for anyone feeling the pull of change or standing at a crossroads in their creative journey.
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Episode Resources:
-- Slay Girl Slay Podcast: Lessons Learned from Running a Creative Business, Do the Wrong Thing & You Can Always Change Your Mind
-- Let's Try This Again Podcast: Find Your Zone of Genius with Jazmin Mercado & Carla Williams
-- @jodiektay/Zone of Genius
Related Episodes:
-- Ep. 58 | The Power of an Anchoring Force: Finding Strength in Unshakable Conviction & Steadfast Vision
-- Ep. 56 | Overcoming Fear to Unleash Your Entrepreneurial Vision ft. Kat Sterling
-- Ep. 53 | Overcoming Adversity & Redefining Success: The Power of Reinvention ft. Chanera Pierce
-- Ep. 47 | Transforming Dissatisfaction & Disconnection into Creative Fuel [Knowing Your Why]
-- Ep. 40 | Unlocking Potential with Personality Tests & Self-Development
-- Ep. 36 | How Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone Transforms Your Life
-- Ep. 26 | Dream, Rest & Play ft. Colored Girls Liberation Lab Founder, Jenn Roberts
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There's something to be said about allowing ourselves the space to adapt and evolve, particularly when it comes to our purpose. I think many of us feel as though we might be called to do one thing, and for some of us we're trying to figure out what that one thing is. But I'm here to make the case that for many of us, we have multiple purposes over the course of our lifetime. Hey friend Aaliyah Cheyenne here, welcome back to the Prolific Hub podcast. Now, your purpose may not be tied to just one thing. It may be tied to multiple things. I think the work then becomes understanding what your purpose is in any given season, taking aligned action to get to the place where you want to be, moving with conviction, and then recognizing and embracing seasons of change when change is inevitable. How you start may not be how you finish. So here are some important questions to ask yourself, to dig deeper into your purpose in your current season. What do you already know for sure that you are meant to be fulfilling in this current season? For me, that feels like this podcast. For me, that feels like pouring into a book that I'm writing. For me, that feels like other aligned purpose projects that I'll be excited to share very soon. Another thing to sit with is to think about what lights you up when you're creating something or working on a project. What gets you the most excited? For me, it's sitting down to interview for this podcast, or to talk to you and share thoughts and insight and ideas and have a back and forth and ask questions. For me, I feel lit up and excited when I'm pouring into a creative project that I know come easy to you or second nature to you. Are those also things that get you excited? Are those also things that light you up? Another important question to ask yourself is you know, what do those closest to you regularly tell you that you're really good at? Because they have insight about your blind spots? You might not think something is a skill or that you're good at a particular thing, but a friend or a family member might really see it in you. For example, people in my life have told me I could be a motivational speaker. People in my life have told me that I'm really good at analysis and project management and I'm really organized. I'm really organized. Those might look like really simple things to me, but for people who lack those skills or qualities, it can be an asset to them or an asset to someone else who might need that for their creative life or for their business. So it's important to get that feedback from those who really see you, because they can help you to see the blind spots that you might not even be aware of yourself.
Aliya Cheyanne:I think another important question is to look at what modalities can support you in a deeper understanding of yourself. Whether that be your astrological birth chart, your human design Myers-Briggs Enneagram birth chart, your human design, myers-briggs Enneagram, your life path number, your soul urge number, I think these are important tools and modalities that can really help you to get a deeper understanding of who you are, what lights you up, what you're naturally good at, what you were born to do, and these are tools that can provide a lot of insight to help you just understand yourself more deeply. So I would think about it, think about the answers to these questions for yourself and really sit with them and explore them and see what comes up for you. Now, if you're already ankle, knee, cheeks, chest, neck, head deep into a purpose and you feel good about it, great, I love that for you. But if you're that deep and starting to question what's next or wondering about whether or not this thing feels aligned or if it still feels good anymore. If you're starting to have ideas about a new season, my advice would be to lean into that. Lean into those feelings, explore them. They may be trying to alert you that you need to rest or change the way you a creative.
Aliya Cheyanne:As creatives, we know that being creative ebbs and flows. We can go through seasons of extreme creativity where we're just producing and outputting, like all of the things that are in our minds, like mad geniuses, and then the next season we're resting and recuperating and recouping and questioning everything or coming up with our next brilliant idea. It's part of the creative process, but I think, if all else fails, it might be an indicator to embrace the pivot. You know, perhaps you're meant to close one chapter to start the next chapter, or maybe you're meant to put that book down all together and start writing a new story. I think, all in all, we have to allow ourselves the grace and the space to change and to evolve, and that includes allowing our purpose to change and evolve too. Okay.
Aliya Cheyanne:So with that, I want to share two resources that I listened to recently that I thought were extremely relevant. So one of them is lessons learned from running a creative business via the Slay Girl Slay podcast. I thought that episode was short and to the point, but really informative. It really highlighted a number of things for me as a creative running a creative business that we have to be very mindful when it comes to particular things. Running a creative business oftentimes means you are the boss, the manager, the employee, tech support, hr and everything else. There are no separate functions, especially if you're doing it solo and you don't have a team. You literally are everything and, as overwhelming as that is, it was helpful to listen to that and be reminded of that and be reminded that, as a creative with a creative business, I am not alone in that.
Aliya Cheyanne:Another episode that I really enjoyed recently was the Find your Zone of Genius episode of the let's Try this Again podcast with Bea Simone. It featured Jasmine Mercado and Carla Williams, and they highlighted a number of things that we've talked about on this show as well, everything from doing your research. We talked about that in our episode featuring Kat Sterling, who is the COO of New Spira and author of why they're Winning and you Are Not. Kat talked a lot about building a business case, having a business plan and doing your market research, which is really important. In the same episode of the let's Try this Again podcast, they talked about pivoting. We also talked about embracing the pivot and pivoting a lot in our episode featuring Shannara Pierce. That episode also talked about knowing your why. We've talked about the importance of knowing your why in a solo episode of this show and also again in our episode with Kat Sterling. That Find your Zone of Genius episode of the let's Try this Again podcast also talked about doing things scared. We talked about that on this show too. We talked about doing it alone, doing it scared and doing it anyway. The importance of stepping out of your comfort zone. So many other powerful themes came up in that episode.
Aliya Cheyanne:I thought these two episodes of these two shows were extremely relevant and timely, so I wanted to share them with you. They'll also be linked in the show notes. Be sure to check them out if you haven't already. I found these episodes to be really informative, valuable, aligned with some of the same topics that we talk about on this show. So I definitely think, if you are creative, if you are a creative entrepreneur, if you are a business owner small business owner, large business owner, whatever the case might be, these are episodes that might really be relevant to you, so I think they're worth your time and I think they're worth checking out. So they'll definitely be linked in the show notes below, so be sure to tune in and check them out, if you can.
Aliya Cheyanne:Okay, friend, that's what I got for today, so I would love to ask you how is, or how has, your purpose evolved? Let me know in a text to the show, if you're listening to this episode on Spotify and I know a lot of y'all are listening on Spotify because, as far as my listenership goes, it's increased significantly on Spotify. Spotify has now beat Apple Podcasts as the primary listening app for this show, so shout out to y'all. So if you are listening over there, leave me a comment over there. If you're watching this episode on YouTube, leave me a comment on YouTube. If you'd like to let me know your thoughts in a rating and review, please leave a five star rating and let me know your thoughts in a review. Thank you so much for tuning in to another short but sweet episode. Thank you for lending me your time, your energy and your ears. I appreciate you so much for being here. All right, friend, have a great rest of your day, evening or night, and I will catch you on the next episode. Bye.